Care For Cows…
The team at Hare Krishna Valley has been hard at work upgrading the dairy facility. The milking pens have been built and
Farm Mascot…
Our farm mascot, Bhima, appears to be leaving his body, as he is now advanced in age according to dog years. He
Mothers Day…
The team at Hare Krishna Valley have been looking after the cows by supplying them with fresh hay for their beds when
Alternative Energy…
The wheel of progress continues to turn with further developments in our cow protection program. The bio gas facility has begun to
The Depths of Winter…
The weather is cooling off over winter, so we have the fire burning all day to keep the house warm. Meanwhile, Bronte, our
Saintly association…
We're spending the weekend at Hare Krishna Valley hosting a retreat with one of the gurus in the Hare Krishna movement, His
Women’s Yoga Retreat
On the weekend we hosted another group of enthusiastic ladies who attended our Women's Yoga Retreat. They enjoyed the rejuvenating yoga, enlightening