This week we were fortunate to have the Temple President of the Melbourne Hare Krishna Temple, Aniruddha Prabhu, and his wife, Achintya Rupa Mataji, stay with us for most of the week.
With Manigriva and Tarini Rupa on their honey moon, Hare Krishna Valley was a bit quieter than usual, but on Saturday we held a festival for Lord Narasingadeva’s appearance which attracted a group of 20 devotees who enjoyed chanting, dancing and feasting.
While tending to her compost bin, my wife Veda was pleasantly surprised to find many earth worms living there, which is a good sign of healthy compost. She will now apply the compost to her garden beds over winter to produce a small variety of vegetables.
We look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Until then, I remain yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Keshava Dasa.